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In order to view a scene, you need a camera. The Camera component enables an Entity to render a scene. You can use the entity’s position and rotation to control the camera.

A scene can have multiple cameras, for example to render from different points of view.


A Camera is a component, so you attach it to an Entity in the same way you would attach a Render component.

import { Camera } from '@playcanvas/react/components' <Entity> <Camera fov={28} clearColor="rebeccapurple" /> </Entity>

Learn more about the Camera Component in the PlayCanvas documentation.


The type prop determines the type of camera. It accepts one of the following values from PlayCanvas:

  • PERSPECTIVE - The camera will use a perspective projection
  • ORTHOGRAPHIC - The camera will use an orthographic projection



The fov prop determines the field of view of the camera. This is the angle between the camera’s forward direction and the top/bottom of the screen.

Type: number Default: 60


The near prop determines the near clipping plane of the camera. This is the distance from the camera to the near clipping plane.

Type: number Default: 0.1


The far prop determines the far clipping plane of the camera. This is the distance from the camera to the far clipping plane.

Type: number Default: 1000


The aspectRatio prop determines the aspect ratio of the camera. This is the ratio of the width to the height of the screen.

Type: number Default: 16 / 9

Additional Props

Any additional props will be passed to the PlayCanvas CameraComponent class directly. See the docs for more information.

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