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🎉 @playcanvas/react 0.2.1 is released. Read more →


We recommend using Vite  to create your project. It’s fast, easy to use, and quickly integrates with React. But you can use any other build tool you prefer.

You can create a new project with the following command, and follow the prompts

npm create vite@latest -- --template react

If you’ve followed the prompts, you’ll have a new project with a package.json file. You can then install the @playcanvas/react package using your preferred package manager.

Adding the package

First you’ll need to install @playcanvas/react using your preferred package manager.

npm install @playcanvas/react playcanvas

Once you’ve installed the package, you can start using it in your project. As the next step, we recommend following the getting started guide to create your first project.

Last updated on